
Top 4 News and Blog Articles of 2019

Get smart on the top 2019 news and blog articles that shaped legal reform. 
Top News:

“Forcing More Litigation Isn’t the Answer to Litigation Abuse”
The Lawyer Enrichment Act” (Arbitration)

Get smart on the top 2019 news and blog articles that shaped legal reform. 

Top News:

  1. “Forcing More Litigation Isn’t the Answer to Litigation Abuse”
  2. The Lawyer Enrichment Act” (Arbitration)
  3. “We Still Don’t Know” What Can and Can’t Be Used, Says TCPA Lawyer
  4. State Legislators Put the Brakes on ALI’s Redesign of Insurance Law

Top Blogs:

  1. Coast Erosion Lawsuits More About Trial Lawyers Getting Paid, Louisianans Say
  2. Will New Excutive Orders Close OFCCP’s Highway to Enforcement Hell?
  3. Senators Move to Shine a Light on the Litigation Funding Industry
  4. Who Wins When Louisiana Sues? Texas! 

Stay current on the 2020 issues in legal reform.